Are you in search for Piano Lessons for Adults in Singapore?
Search no more! THEpianoteachersg is here to help you. At the beginning when adults want to learn piano, finding enough time can sometimes be the hardest part. Read on our article on 5 tips for quick learning .
We love teaching piano lessons for adults in Singapore and makes the process as simple as possible for everybody.
Here at the piano teacher Singapore, we will prepare you to be an expert in piano skills.
Here are some of the frequently asked questions by our students.
Who Is Suitable To Join The Course?
The course is designed for all those adults who are excited to learn how to play the piano for a reasonable length of time and their leisurely pace.
The target is completely up to you. If there are certain songs or styles you want to learn, we will help you get teachers that will create lessons that focus on what you want.
I’m An Adult, Is It Too Late For Me To Learn The Piano?
Anyone can learn the piano at any age. When learning how to play the pianos, there is usually no age limit.
Durаtіоn And Rates
Duration: 45 minutes lesson
Rates are based are based on experience and location of the lessons. The rate of having lesson at teacher's home studio is always lower compare to at your comfort's home. The beginner rates ranging from $35-45 per lesson. Once we receive your request, we will connect you to a teacher as well as inform you about the rates.
Can I Learn The Piano, Without Having To Go Through The Exams?
Yes, of course, our teachers do not force students to pass the exam, unless they want to, as part of their learning objectives.
My Working Timing Is Not Fixed, Can I Have A More Flexible Lesson Timing?
Yes, feel free to discuss your working schedule with teacher and so the teacher is able to offer you other available timings. We strongly believe that weekly lessons are ideal for student's progress.
Can I Try Out One Month Lesson?
Yes. You may try out lessons for one month which is 4 lessons before you decide to follow the teacher permanently.
The purpose of arranging one month lesson is to meet your piano teacher and to get a sense of teacher's teaching approach and teacher will be able to access student's playing.